Swimming Pools and Home Insurance: What You Need to Know

Getting a pool on your property is a great way to spend more time with your family and increase your home value. However, there are some insurance considerations you should be aware of. At the Brent Young Agency LLC, serving Manchester, CT, we want to ensure you know all the details before investing in a pool. 

Insurance Will Cover Your Pool

There are a lot of misconceptions about pools. You should know that your homeowners’ insurance will cover your pool. A swimming pool on your property can be a lot of fun, but it increases liability risk. A property with a pool will have slightly higher insurance premiums than one that doesn’t have a pool. 

Inform Your Insurance Company

If you already have a homeowners’ policy and you decide to have a pool installed on your property, you’ll need to inform your insurance company as quickly as possible. Your policy will need to be updated, as a pool will change many details. 

Make Your Pool a Safe Place

It would be best if you also did everything possible to make your pool safe. This will first and foremost include putting a security fence around the pool. The fence should have a lock that can only be opened by an authorized person. You want to ensure there are no other structures around the fence that would make it possible for someone to climb over either. 

These are just a few things to consider regarding pools and your homeowners’ insurance policy. If you’d like to learn more, please contact us today at Brent Young Agency LLC, serving Manchester, CT, and the surrounding areas.