Which Types of Commercial Insurance Does Your Business Need?

Owning a business comes with a never-ending list of responsibilities. One of the most important things is to have the kinds of commercial insurance you need. The specific policies that your business needs depend on many factors of your business, such as whether you have employees and what you sell. When you need to know which types of commercial insurance would be helpful for your business, we’re here to help. Give us a call at Brent Young Agency LLC in Manchester, CT.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance 

This is an essential type of commercial insurance if you have any employees. You likely won’t have to get this coverage if you’re a sole proprietor or work only with contract workers. However, when you employ someone, you’re responsible for the damages done if they have an accident. This coverage pays for those expenses, including the steep medical bills and the employee’s lost wages. 

Cyber Insurance

If you use a computer system in your business, you probably need cyber insurance. This is a form of commercial protection in case there is a major computer problem, like a data breach. These messes can take a lot of money to clean up, and this type of policy can help with those expenses. If you have employees and customers whose data you keep, it’s especially important to have this type of commercial insurance. 

Premises Liability Insurance 

If customers, clients, or anyone else has access to your place of business, you’re responsible for their safety while they’re there. When you have this coverage, it protects you against your liability for injuries that happen on your premises. 

Get Commercial Insurance for Your Business

When it’s time to protect your business with the right insurance, contact Brent Young Agency LLC in Manchester, CT.